I'm sure that you've heard we need to eat less meat, reduce the amount of greenhouse gases we produce, including methane, capture existing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and finally, but perhaps more importantly, plant lots of trees.
Wouldn't it be great if we could do all of this with one basic action? Well, having thought about this and done some basic research the answer seems blindingly simple. This blog will serve as my platform to keep you up to date with my progress towards this by further research, publicity and campaigning towards this goal.
I'm sure you'd all like to hear what I propose doing that could be such a silver bullet against the climate change we are all seeing nowadays. My proposal is this: we stop eating so much meat and devote an immediate 50% of our agricultural land to nut tree production. The effect of doing so would have instant effects in that as the trees grow they would sequester carbon dioxide in their trunks, provide shade, retain rainwater, and reduce fertilizer run-off from arable land or the production of methane gas from livestock. Longer term benefits would be the provision of nuts to eat as they are, or to be processed into other foodstuffs.